Ashtyn - Just Because
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
With the long holiday weekend and my husband Jon on vacation, Ashtyn and I had just a girls' weekend. We went shopping, had dinner, ran errands, and bought this cute little pink, fuzzy chair that will go perfect in her new room. But, it was such a nice day outside, so I wanted to take some new photos of her. So, we brought the new pink, fuzzy chair outside for some fun in the sun.
Here are a few of my favorites...
Not sure what she was looking at, but she sure looks cute.

Showing mommy her teeth (she doesn't "smile" - but she will show you her teeth)

And these last two are some of my absolute favorites of all time...we were sitting outside, when all of the sudden we had this big gust of win whip through the back yard....she started laughing and screaming with delight....I LOVE being a MOM !!!!

Showing mommy her teeth (she doesn't "smile" - but she will show you her teeth)

And these last two are some of my absolute favorites of all time...we were sitting outside, when all of the sudden we had this big gust of win whip through the back yard....she started laughing and screaming with delight....I LOVE being a MOM !!!!